The proposed project is developed to manage the automobile in the automobile dealer company. The main module in this project is login, automobile management, customer management, sales, complaints and reports. The first module is the login. The automobile showroom owner should login to the project fir usage. The username and password are verified and if it is correct, next form opens. If the username and password are not correct, it shows the error message.
When a customer search for
automobile, if the automobile is available, they will be taken to a page that
shows the details of the automobile including automobile name, automobile ID,
quantity, price, etc. “Automobile management system” is useful for maintaining
automobile, customers effectively and hence for establishing good relation
between customer and automobile organization. It contains various customized
modules for effectively maintaining automobile and stock information accurately
and safely.
Software requirements for this system are as listed follows:
- FRONT-END : Microsoft Visual studio 2015
- BACK-END : Microsoft SQL Server 2008
- Coding : C# Programming Language
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